Grid Connection Workshop

New to the event and well received this year was the grid connection workshop. Steven Gough, innovation and low carbon network engineer, Western Power Distribution, one of the speakers, was encouraged by the feedback from farmers. "Farmers understood the grid, asked well informed questions, and even came to thank me at the end for making their grid connection opportunities clearer.”

The grid connection session provided participants with the opportunity to discuss grid connection issues with experts and understand the processes, time scales and possible constraints involved. Companies taking part in this included Ofgem, Western Power Distribution and the National Grid.

The participants for the workshop along with their topics can be found below along with the grid connection video.

Name Job Title Company Topic
Bob Weaver Director Powercon Chairman
James Veaney Head of Distribution Policy Ofgem
Challenges to date and the methods to tackle grid saturation for export of DG
Steven Gough
Innovation and Low Carbon
Network Engineer
Western Power Distribution A practical guide to the grid connection
process and a look at alternative connection options
James Hoare Director LWH Partnership
Maximising your project's potential, given network constraints
Nicola Gargov SMARTer System Performance
Team Manager
National Grid Balancing electricity supply and demand

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Feedback from previous visitors and exhibitors

There was a good range of topics and the main areas where covered.

William Sands